Looking is the original sin
Looking is the original sin

looking is the original sin

We should note that, at the end of the day, both of these textual traditions assert that every human has sinned. In the theologies that resulted from this reading, humanity also physically receives Adam’s sin at conception.

looking is the original sin

Adam represents all of humanity, and in him, symbolically, we all have sinned. The Latin Vulgate, however, implies that death is inevitable apart from what any particular person might or might not do. A reading of the Greek text could yield the notion that death became common to humanity because every person happens to sin (and we read from the first pages of the book of Genesis that one of the consequences of sin is death). The Latin Vulgate version was that death spread to all through Adam, in whom all sinned.” Boyce summarizes the issue concisely: “The original Greek text had Paul saying that, after Adam, death spread to all because all have sinned. Unpacking this theological mishap involves some angels-dancing-on-the-head-of-pins-type minutiae, so feel free to skip the remainder of this paragraph. Frustratingly, Boyce never directly cites this passage (“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” - Romans 5:12), even though he places a lot of weight on the phrase. The fourth-century theologian Augustine of Hippo propagated a mistranslation of the Apostle Paul. This grand deception began with an honest mistake, James Boyce tells us. What is this lie exactly? It’s the assumption that humans are born bad. Even those who self-consciously reject this falsehood are subconsciously shaped by it. The fields of biology, economics, religion, and psychology are built on a lie. CONSIDER THIS: for almost 2,000 years and counting the entirety of Western culture has been brainwashed.

Looking is the original sin